Don't ask for what will maintain you in your current limiting circumstances, but ask for what will elevate you to new dimensions.
Here are some revolutionary truths that will help in when you petition your case before God:
What you ask depends on what you know. Pray for your light to manifest when asking.
Isaiah 60:1"Arise, shine;
For your light has come!
And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you."
Your predicaments remains your responsibility until you change your perceptions and mindset concerning the provision of God. Ask/call unto to God for help.
The mentality to rise up and walk is what attracts the ability to rise up and walk. The ability belongs to God to provide, but the mentality belongs to you. Change your mentality and the ability will come. Acts 3:1-9
The ability to increase, for peace, for health, etc. belongs to God but the mentality to believe for such remains yours.
When your mentality is intact nothing will be deficient.
Place a superior demand on the grace of God, for He is willing and ready to provide for sufficiency in all areas of your life.
Wisdom, knowledge and understanding makes your asking and praying most rewarding.
Every manifestation of the hand of God upon your life should draw you closer to God and not away from God. Acts 3:8-9.
Beware not to steal the glory of God, but you must at all times point men to God. Acts 3:11-12
If you believe great you will live great.
If you believe small you will live small.
If you believe wrong you will live wrong.
I earnestly trust for change in your asking from God.